Parachute Branding • Drone Projection • Robotic Media Technology
Robotic Advertising
We use robots to promote your business. Advertising mediums unique to your brand. Imagine projection mapping drones with people counting and live 360° broadcasting capabilities. Your outdoor advertising campaigns will never be the same again!
Airborne Sampling
Projection Rovers
Projection Drones
Audio Bots
Robotic Design
We understand no two robotic advertising campaigns are the same. That’s why the creative engineers at Green Drone are happy to create custom robotic systems tailored to your business needs.
We're small but impressive.
Hand crafted robotic media designs.
It simply means we design robots with one purpose in mind. Robots that promote your business!
Imagine a crowd of thousands of potential customers. Now witness as small samples of your brand cascade down from the sky as drones fly over.
Land, sea and air are all accessible with robots. For instance our UGVs equipped with projection mapping equipment can go places our UAVs and ROVs just won't reach.
Our Drones can be modified to fit any advertising campaign. Some of our favorites include projection mapping on smoke curtains and guerrilla projecting onto downtown skyscrapers.
Broadcasting your brand message to hundreds of potential consumers is made easy with robots. Drones and robots equipped with speakers allow you to rediscover the power of audio advertising.
Green Drone
Advertising is becoming more immersive, experiential, automated, and measurable by the minute. And all that enabling technology behind the scenes is helping brands reach new, creative heights. Better advertising for smarter business.